Deborah Rees, LMFT is a Marriage Counselor and Couples Counselor in Calabash, NC. She has over 35 years of experience in counseling adults, couples, and families. Deborah specializes in marriage counseling and recovery from marital crisis. She has a warm, engaging style that invites your marriage and couple relationship to grow and progress as you reach out to each other.
Do you want to create new and improved ways to communicate with each other? Maybe you want to feel closer to each other or need help with fights that seem to come out of nowhere. You may be a couple dealing with the devastation of infidelity in your marriage, and you need a caring, experienced guide through this difficult time. I would love to be that guide.
Whether you have been married one month or many years, whether you have had previous counseling or none at all, this well-researched and engaging counseling style will greatly help your relationship.